1) A lifetime smoker has a 50% probability of dying due to smoking and, on average, will lose ten years of life. The Cardiovascular disease risk in smokers <50 years of age is five-fold higher than in non-smokers.
2) Chantix (Varenicline 1 mg b.i.d. (twice a day) increases quitting rates by more than 200% compared with placebo. Nicotine replacement increases for abstinence by 25%, and bupropion increases by 40%.
3) After quitting smoking, from age 45 years, gains of 3 − 5 years persist in men to age 65 and in women to age 75 years.
4) Even in heavy smokers (≥20 cigarettes/day), smoking cessation lowers CVD risk within five years.
5) Smokers who quit may expect an average weight gain of 5 kg, but the health benefits of tobacco cessation outweigh the risks of weight gain.
6) Persistent or reuptake of smoking is common in patients with CHD, in particular in those with severe depression and environmental exposure.

Smoking is dangerous for anybody with respiratory problem.
I’m sure passive smokers suffer even more
Smokers are the weak link in Covid-19 fight